Photo by olia danilevich:

” What was your experience of trying out H5P? Which of the activities do you think you would make most use of in your teaching context and what would you use them to do? Which ones do you think require the most resources to create?”

H5P, which stands for HTML-5-Package, is a plugin tool that assists in the creation and execution of interactive material and interactive video within an LMS or other type of eLearning browser. Memory games, multiple-choice questions, quizzes, fill-in-the-blank inquiries, and questionnaires are some examples of interactive activities that can be created by using H5P[1].

My experience of trying out H5P was very positive, I enjoyed how simple it was to build engaging learning activities including quizzes, interactive films, drag-and-drop exercises, and other visual activities. I don’t recall seeing this tool before, and I’m not sure why teachers don’t use it because it’s incredibly valuable for engagement.

All of the H5P activities, in my opinion, would be excellent use as interactive activities in teaching. The multiple-choice questions, True and False questions, and interactive video were the ones I found most beneficial and will be utilizing them in our teaching context. I will use multiple-choice questions and True/False questions to assess the learners’ knowledge and understanding of the course material, While the interactive video will be used to actively engage learners in interacting with the videos, this will assist them to retain the information they hear or see.

I believe that all of the activities will necessitate the expenditure of certain resources in order to be created. For example, while I was constructing the True and False activity, I was unable to make all of them at once and had to open a new one to add another question; I’m not sure if this is due to a lack of knowledge or if it is simply the way it is. I don’t think it matters which activity uses the most resources because H5P is simple to use and allows you to construct a variety of interesting interactive visual activities.

True and False questions by using H5P

