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Blog Post #7: Community engagement is public communications

Photo: https://sustainingcommunity.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/what-is-community-engagement/

” How does social media engage communications?

Social media is a potent form of communication that has a significant impact on both populated areas and rural regions. Not only has the globe become more accessible and affected businesses, but it has also altered how we communicate. Online communication has made information accessible to groups of people and audiences that were previously inaccessible. People are now more aware of what is going on in other areas of the world thanks to it. People can now easily communicate and connect through social media by just using their phones.

” How does social media challenge communications?”

Some of the challenges brought by social media communication might include the issue of ambiguity that frequently plagues internet communication. This typically happens as a result of information overload or the internet distribution of an excessive amount of irrelevant content. Users will struggle to understand which information is necessary and which is unnecessary in this situation, making it harder for them to respond to important messages[1]. Our communication etiquette is also challenged by social media. The effects of digital discourse don’t matter as much to us as efficiency. Too frequently, people speak without considering the recipient’s ability to understand the tone and purpose of what they are saying. There is a person on the opposite side of the screen, but we don’t notice them. In the end, it has increased misinterpretation and misunderstanding, which endangers our relationships[2].

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?”

inclusive and diverse PLNs may offer a variety of advantages. One of them is that more individuals may locate and get in touch with others who share their interests. Different viewpoints and ideas may be incorporated thanks to inclusion and diversity. Diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing can also provide the advantage of reducing false information spread about different things such as the news that can impact the community.


[1] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/challenges-moving-online-communication-collaboration-emma-parry/

[2] https://thriveglobal.com/stories/how-social-media-affects-our-ability-to-communicate/#:~:text=Ultimately%2C%20it%20has%20created%20more,the%20expense%20of%20quality%20communication.

1 Comment

  1. letterstokate

    Hi, I found your blog post insightful. In a biased community, individuals often get worried about being misunderstood by their audience that they get caught up on the smaller things, like how they’re coming across or if they worded their sentence properly, which wastes significant time and effort. By engaging in a diverse and inclusive PLN, individuals can focus on the bigger picture and speak their thoughts more confidently and eloquently. Thanks for sharing.

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